Arkadiusz Świadek , Magdalena Wojciech

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In developing countries, the main mechanism for acquisition of new technologies, is the purchase of ready-made solutions in the form of investments in machines and technical devices, computer software or investment in new buildings connected with the initiation of the production of innovation products. This is a passive transfer of technologies, in which the company acquires the technology from external sources and does not lead own research and developmental works. The model of logistic regression presented in the article allowed the as sessment of the tendency of the sectors of companies for the purchase of innovation fi xed assets. Taking into account in the modelling the effect of interaction of the company’s size and the type of its property allowed to indicate the directions of implementation of the passive technological progress in the leading provinces in Poland. For the reason that the parameters of the logit model with interactions do not intuitively have the clear interpretation, the paper pays particular attention to the substantive conclusions from the presented analyses.


innovation, logit model, AIC and BIC information criteria, nested models, interactions of quality variables


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